The ABCs of Your Child’s First Dentist Visit: What to Expect

Small toddler in a purple shirt holding A B C blocks over their head.

A child’s first tooth is one of many early milestones worthy of celebration. New teeth can mean new foods and new sensations, plus a new search for a children’s dentist near you. You may be wondering what to expect at your child’s first dental checkup, when to schedule a first appointment, or how to prepare for a first dental visit. Our team is here to help navigate the ABCs of your child’s first visit.

A is for Appointment: Scheduling Your Child’s First Dental Checkup

Your child’s smile always brightens your day, and now, their first tooth has made its debut.

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the arrival of their first tooth or their first birthday – whichever comes first – is the recommended time to schedule their first dental visit. More than 21% of American children between 2 and 5 years old suffer from cavities and tooth decay, making their first visit pivotal to keeping their teeth healthy and strong.

We recommend scheduling your child’s dental appointment at a time that works with their nap and feeding schedule. Arriving well-rested and fed will help put your child at ease and make the visit as smooth as possible.

B is for Brave Smiles: Helping Your Child Feel Comfortable and Confident

Creating a relaxed and confident environment during a pediatric dental visit is key for parent and child. We encourage starting the conversation at home, so when you enter our office, we can continue the collaborative effort of building a positive association with going to the dentist.

While your kid may be bubbly and joyful, they may also be starting to experience curiosity or restlessness around new places and people. 

Here are some tips to help give them confidence before their dental visit:

  • Have them practice opening and closing their mouths to get used to the feeling (make it a game if you can)
  • Read books or watch videos about friendly and fun dental visits to help them visualize the experience
  • Talk positively about what they can expect
  • Designate a stuffed animal to be their “dental buddy” to help ease their anxieties both before and during the appointment

C is for Checkup: What Happens During the First Visit to a Pediatric Dentist Near You

You’ve prepared yourself and your child for their dentist visit, but what happens once they sit in the dentist’s chair?

The first thing your child’s pediatric dentist in Austin will do is examine your child’s teeth. They will assess the health of their teeth and gums, looking for signs of tooth decay, cavities, or conditions that may require further care. 

While this initial appointment helps establish your kid’s dental needs, it also serves as a question-and-answer session between you and your child’s dentist.

Here are some possible questions to ask your child’s dentist at their first appointment:

  • How do I brush and floss my child’s teeth?
  • How can I help relieve my child’s teething pains?
  • Do certain foods or drinks present a higher risk for cavities to develop?
  • When should your child stop thumb-sucking or using a pacifier?
  • What is baby bottle tooth decay, and can I prevent it?
  • What should I look for to indicate a problem with my baby’s teeth or gums?

By preparing a list of questions in advance, you can give yourself peace of mind when caring for your child’s teeth.

D is for Dentist: Schedule Your Visit with Lone Star Pediatric Dental & Braces Today

As one of the leading offices for children’s dental care near you, we aim to ensure you feel confident and reassured before you enter our doors.

Our team of dental experts has extensive knowledge and expertise to meet the unique needs of children, adolescents, and teenagers across our 10 locations in Austin, TX. From first visits to long-term cleanings and preventive care, we aim to provide relief, comfort, and confidence on your child’s dental journey.

Take the first step in your child’s dental care by scheduling a visit with us at Lone Star Pediatric Dental & Braces today.